Role: Art Direction
About 52 Shades of Greed
In 2012 I art directed & designed a project called 52 Shades of Greed; a fully illustrated deck of playing cards about the Wall Street Crash & Occupy movement featuring 28 artists, and the 99%.
About Alternative Banking
Alternative Banking is a group of people who are disturbed about the current state of finance and financial regulation. Many of us have experience or expertise in the financial industry and are all-too-familiar with the way that the industry exploits “dumb money” and manipulates financial regulation to its benefit. We are open to everyone who would like to understand what has gone wrong with the banking industry, Wall Street and the political and regulatory process and work to fix it.
About the Artists
The 52 Shades of Greed art directing team, Marc Scheff and Daniel Nyari, are NYC-based illustrators who wanted to create a unique collaboration between illustrators of all stripes and levels of fame to say something important about the world. They believe that illustrators can be teachers engaged in politics and social welfare. They believe that we can become more than individuals and more than servants to other peoples’ messages. They gathered an art team from all over the world to contribute to the 52 Shades of Greed project, and could not be more pleased with the result.
Adam S. Doyle
Alex Fine
Chi Birmingham
Chris B. Murray
Corinne Reid
Daniel Nyari (Art Director & Designer)
Denman Rooke
Dobot (Logan Faerber)
Eric Fortune
Gloria Pizzilli
Hyesu Lee
Jess Worby
John Lee
Jon Burgerman
Jonathan Calugi
Justin Volz
Kyle Smart
Matt Rota
Marc Scheff (& Art Director)
Martin Wittfooth
Michael Marsicano
Mikkel Sommer
PJ McQuade
Skip Sterling
Stephanie F. Scholz
Steve Simpson
Tim Paul
Vicky Yarova